Saturday, September 8, 2012

Task Management

Task Management involves planning, managing, monitoring and implementation of tasks.
Related activities can thus ingredients such as the project management and quality management, and always be the goal, the tasks can be fulfilled within an agreed framework.


Conditions represent both the objective of the task management:
A task must be clear, absolutely clear and understandable so that they will understand as possible without feedback from managers or performers and accepted. Usefully, the task will be documented, so that it is always available and in the course of processing and thus a balance of requirements and implementation can take place. The traceability of the content is therefore an essential requirement for liability in the performance.
Complementing the clear content scheduling of tasks necessary to the realization time as - with acquisition of the task - can be considered agreed. The finish date of a task is equally a target represents
An additional objective is the budget or expenditure, which is planned for the processing of the task. This benchmark (ideally agreement) will later also in charge can be measured - if he could do the job not only on time, but also within the agreed costs.
Since many tasks, especially in larger companies or organizations that are not only carried out by the manager and implemented, it is useful to various parties also can assign tasks.


There are several forms, such as tasks to the leaders or performers can be passed - in speech and writing, images and sounds, as sign production, and in many other ways. All approaches have in common that the content of the tasks between the transmitter and the receiver must be agreed upon and leave no room for interpretation as possible. After taking over the tasks it is up to the recipient, transferee or person responsible to ensure the realization of the task content.
Already here comes the management of tasks effect, since the detection of faults to provide feedback to the sender of the task of this is expected. The only way to early to react to disturbances. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the task report back arranger the processing status of a task, both to make the progress of processing as well as the result transparent.
Systematic task management is closely consistent with time management or connected a necessary part of that.
The completion of a task should be as agreed, as the start of work - and within such as a task list should be clear which tasks are still "in progress" and what tasks already "completed" or fulfilled.


Following the granting of a task is the principle of "fire and forget" inappropriate, it is important to ensure that your answers will be tracked to match the evolution of the treatment with their own expectations and also here early countermeasures as required. This supports an integrated monitoring and directing the appropriate role and content of the controlling . By signals such as task-specific lights that indicate expectations and fulfilling the tasks, functions, an early warning system to be perceived.


In companies and organizations will now work almost anywhere with computer assistance. Therefore a consistent and transparent task management without computer assistance is hardly conceivable.
If every employee is assigned to it or held by him or tasks in mind, these can keep in mind at all times, it is almost assured that overlook anything or is even forgotten. Further, such a database also allows particularly fast in unplanned unavailability of the task editor or charge created an overview of upcoming tasks and their treatment can be given. Can this benefit called TODO lists offer non-database-based structures or in paper form is not - even though such uses are better than simply relying on the spoken word.


Task management, for example, as a tool of the Lean project management adapted to cause "an acceleration of projects" - associated with potential competitive benefits, shorter project deadlines and improve project success.

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